Community Contacts

Below is a list of numbers which may be helpful.

Youth Agencies

Greater Dandenong Youth Services
9793 2155

Youth Links– Springvale Community Aid & Advice
9547 0511

Headspace, Dandenong
8792 1992

Greater Dandenong Community Health Service
8558 9000

Taskforce Drug & alcohol counselling
9532 0811

SEADS (Alcohol & Drug Service)
1800 142 536

Hanover Dandenong – Housing Support
1800 825 955

Springvale Monash Legal Service
9545 7400

Victorian Legal Aid (Dandenong)
9767 7111

Southern Migrant & Refugee Centre
9767 1900

Centre for Multicultural Youth Issues
9793 2155

Wesley Youth Services (Crisis accommodation)
9794 3000

24  Hour Numbers


DHS Child Protection Southern Region Intake
(Mon- Fri 9 am to 5 pm)
1300 655 795

DHS Child Protection Crisis Line (After Hours)
131 278

Psychiatric Triage Team – Mental health issues
1300 369 012

Griefline 12 noon-3 am
9935 7400

Life Line
13 11 14

Kids Help Line
1800 551 800

Directline 24 hr drug/alcohol info
1800 888 236

Suicide Help Line
1300 651 251

Family Drug Support Help Line
1300 368 186

Womens’ Domestic Violence Crisis
1800 015 188

Sexual Assault Crisis Line
1800 806 292


For further information regarding lmmunisations please go to the lmmunise Australia Website at or Telephone 1300 882 008

Parent and Student Parking

In the interest of safety for everyone we ask that you DO NOT drive into the school grounds. Students are able to access all of the buildings along the designated footpaths from each gate.

Students are NOT permitted to park inside school grounds under any circumstances.

We do not want to call anyone to say that a child has been hit by a car!

Before and after school traffic is a growing concern. Road rules apply around the schools and speed is restricted to 40 kilometres per hour during these times. Double parking is strictly prohibited.

Bylaws Officers from the Local Councils will be attending during the before and after school peak times and those drivers caught breaking the law will be issued with traffic infringement notices and fines.